Welcome back to the blog here at Bradley Trees! The weather is getting colder, but that doesn’t mean tree care stops! Today, we wanted to go over some of our plant healthcare tips you can do to keep your trees healthy in this wintry season.
Trees in the winter months lie dormant, but they don’t get to hibernate like a deer or bear, so we need to do the work to protect them ourselves! Read on and let’s go over a couple of tips to keep your trees healthy!
Clearing Snow
It’s no secret that a lot of snow built up on your tree’s branches can cause them to snap and break from the extra weight and pressure. A little bit of snow around the base of the tree isn’t much to worry about, and can even provide some level of insulation to roots during the coldest months.
To clear the snow from your tree’s branches, gently push it off the limbs. When you’re doing this, use upward movements to limit your potential to snap and break the limbs. You don’t want to be the reason that happens when you’re clearing the snow to avoid that very thing!
Also, in regards to ice, do not attempt to break that off from branches. Rather, it is much easier and safer to use a garden hose connected to a hot water faucet, regulating the temperature so as to not burn the plant.

Ice Melt
DO NOT USE ROCK SALT ON OR NEAR YOUR TREES. Sodium Chloride, or rock salt, interferes with roots’ ability to absorb water and send it up the trunk. Without that, the tree suffocates from a lack of oxygen and starves from a lack of nutrients. You’re condemning your tree to a slow death by pouring rock salt around it to melt ice.
Rather than using rock salt, use an ice melt product that contains calcium, potassium, or magnesium chloride instead. There are plenty of products out there to choose from that won’t adversely affect your trees while keeping them ice-free.
Get in Touch With Buffalo, NY’s Top Plant Healthcare Professionals!
Bradley Tree and Landscaping have been in the arbor business for over four decades, since 1982. That makes us as tied to the Buffalo, NY area as anyone and the perfect choice for your tree care needs. A big box, a national company could do it, but our ISA-Certified Arborists know the native from invasive species to the region, best care for our climate, and more of the minutiae of landscaping needed here.
Our extraordinary service through generations has driven Olmstead Parks to recognize and reward us with taking care of their oldest oak trees. Tree care can be risky, so entrust your tree services with the best arborists in Buffalo.
Call Us Today!
Stay tuned to the Bradley Trees blog, where we regularly go over some basic tree care tips and general guidelines on keeping your landscape and plants healthy! You can also check out our FaceBook and YouTube pages for more arbor info. Here at Bradley Tree and Landscaping, we go to great heights to please you. Get in touch with our ISA-Certified Arborists today by calling us or filling out an online contact form!