Not too long ago, we shared some advice on a guide to plant a flowering dogwood tree. Today, allow us to enhance your Buffalo NY landscape even more by planting a tulip tree! Of course, when planting you should discuss with a certified arborist in WNY to...
Updated December 2022 Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is a beetle species that is not native to the United States. Its origins are in Eastern Asia, but it was first noticed in North America in 2002 in the Detroit area. They were first noticed in New York in 2009 in...
These two acts, tree trimming and tree pruning are very similar. But how do these things differ? Many people use the terms interchangeably, but they mean different things, have different functions, and operate on different timelines. Learn about the differences...
Updated November 2022 The most common mistakes when tree pruning happen when you don’t know the basics. Here is a helpful guide on when you should prune your trees, but make sure to consult your ISA certified Buffalo arborist first so you don’t adversely affect...
You might be thinking to yourself right about now, “Well, planting a tree sounds like it would be a lot of work, why would I want to do that?” There are many, many reasons why you would want to plant any tree. Allow us to nudge you in the direction of a...
Have you ever wondered what tree species are native to our Buffalo, NY region and which are invasive? Maybe you’ve just now wondered “what, there are invasive trees? How? I thought they were good!?” While it is true that trees are good, there are...